It’s here! TurboLaw Document Software version 3.05 has just been released, just in time for the summer holidays. This new version adds some amazing new features that we’ve always wanted to add, but haven’t been able to do for obscure technical reasons – but now we can!

The biggest new feature is the addition of a true “Print Case” feature, which lets you print out all of the details and information about your case. This replaces our old “Case Intake Sheet” documents, which were limited in the information they could show, as well as somewhat cumbersome to maintain.

Not only can you print your case’s information, but you can also see a print preview before you print, and you can also export what you see to PDF (no extra plugins or programs required) as well as save to RTF (a type of document format).

To print your case’s information, just right-click on any case and choose “Print!”

But that’s not all! Here are the other changes we’ve made in this version:

  • The old “Add Documents” feature has been removed (read all about it here)
  • Changed the prompt when you exit the Case Interview Wizard (when creating or editing a case) so that you have an explicit option to save your work before exiting
  • Improved the “file sync conflict” message when you use the work offline feature – TurboLaw now uses the built-in Windows conflict window, which gives you all the info you need to resolve the conflict and pick which file to keep
  • When registering online, any phone “extensions” that are entered for the firm’s phone number (on the “My Firm” tab) will be ignored (e.g., “800-518-8726 x3” would ignore the “x3” part)
  • When installing a new area of law over an existing TurboLaw installation, the setup now forces a document refresh so that your new documents will appear, so you don’t have to do it manually
  • Fixed some visual glitches

We hope you enjoy this new version of TurboLaw, and have a great summer!

[note class=”email”]As always, if you have any thoughts or feedback on TurboLaw, please let us know – we are always listening![/note]