We’ve just released version 1.21 of TurboLaw Time and Billing. This release is primarily a maintenance release, focusing mostly on some very minor issues. Although primarily a maintenance release, there are 2 new features in this release, and we do highly recommend that all users install this update once your software notifies you (watch for the notification in the bottom of your TurboLaw Time and Billing window!).

The 2 new features in this version are:

  • In the Account History window, if your client has matters listed, these matters will have a subtotal, just like the top-level items in this window.
  • In the Clients window, we’ve added a new column for Client ID which will either show your custom client ID number (if you’ve entered one), or TurboLaw Time and Billing’s own internal ID number if there is nothing else to display. This column can also be sorted, so you can use your client ID number to find clients quickly.

Both of these new features are the result of customer suggestions – so if you have suggestions or ideas of your own, please don’t hesitate to let us know!