We are happy to announce that TurboLaw 2.73, the latest version of our popular automated document assembly software, is now available. If you have TurboLaw, the next time you open it, you should see a notice about the updated version appear in the bottom-right corner of your screen (it may take a short while to appear, depending on your Internet speed).

This new version features a number of changes designed to make it even easier for you to get your work done:

  • The TurboLaw Migration Wizard is now bundled with TurboLaw itself, to help make it even easier to move your TurboLaw data from one computer to another (as when you get a new computer or switch computers)
  • The registration window has been revised to allow you to try to register online again, instead of only allowing you to click it once
  • Text on the registration window has been re-worded to make it more clear
  • The Update Utility has been improved to better handle random Internet connection problems that some people encounter (especially when using wireless Internet)

As always, we continue to update TurboLaw based on feedback we hear from our customers – so if you have an idea or suggestion for TurboLaw, we’d love to hear from you!