Did you know that TurboLaw Time and Billing saves everything you enter into the program into a single, convenient, easy-to-locate file?

By default, TurboLaw Time and Billing saves everything you enter into a file called “TurboLawBilling Database.mdb,” and it saves this file in your My Documents folder, in a folder called TurboLaw Time and Billing. This one file contains everything you’ve ever entered into the program – staff, clients, time, expenses, payments, and bills.

The TurboLaw Time and Billing Folder, which appears in your "My Documents" folder on your computer.

The TurboLaw Time and Billing Folder.

A sample TurboLaw Time and Billing database file.

A sample TurboLaw Time and Billing database file.

When it comes time to make a backup of files on your computer, or if you just want to share your data with another user in your office, this file can be easily backed up or shared with other users just as you would share any other file on your computer.

Although this data file is called a “database,” it’s also a file – which means you can treat it just like other files on your computer. You also don’t need a special database server to share it with other users in your office – just put it wherever you share your other files.

You can open a TurboLaw Time and Billing data file by using the File > Open menu. TurboLaw Time and Billing remembers the last file you opened and will keep opening that same file each time you open the program, unless you choose to open a different file.

You can also save a copy of your TurboLaw Time and Billing data file by using the File > Save As menu. When you do this, TurboLaw Time and Billing creates a copy of your data file, and then opens that new copy.

Being able to treat your TurboLaw Time and Billing database as a file is just another way we’ve worked to keep the program simple and easy-to-use.